Psicodramma Classico – Anno II Numero 2, Aprile 2000
- Codice: M2636
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- Codice
- M2636-1-1
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- Analisi di una ricerca
- Autore
- Paolo Carrirolo
- Sommario
LA METODOLOGIA PSICODRAMMATICA NELLE PATOLOGIE ANORESSICO – BULIMICHE Analisi di una ricerca PAOLO CARRIROLO THE PSYCHODRAMATIC METHODOLOGY IN THE ANOREXIS/BULIMIC PATHOLOGIES Analysis of a research The author presents his considerations about the final results of a research conducted inside an hospital specialist structure which involved two groups of anorexic/bulimic patients treated for one year with individual psychoanalysis and, for half of them, with group psychodramatic therapy. On the basis of the outcomes of tests given to the patients before and after the treatment, the author underlines the methodological elements of morenian psychodrama that in his opinion caused the positive evolution of the sub-group of patients treated with psychodrama.
- Codice
- M2636-2-1
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- Autore
- Peter Felix Kellermann
- Codice
- M2636-3-1
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- Autore
- Antonio Roma Torres
- Codice
- M2636-3-2
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- Amore e aggressività, creatività e distruttività, Eros e Thanatos: che fare in psicodramma?
- Autore
- Paola De Leonardis
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SEARCHING FOR THE PULSIONAL CORE OF SELF. Love and aggressiveness, creativity and destructiveness, Eros and Thanatos: what to do in psychodrama? Thinking about the difficult theme of the human aggressiveness from a psychodramatic point of view, this article examines the evolution of the “pulsional core of Self in its double-dealing conflict between Eros and Thanatos. The author recalls that on that conflict Freud hinged his psychodinamic theory, and Winnicott founded his conception of human development, making difference between an original “joyful” aggressiveness and a secondary reactive aggressiveness. On this basis, the author recognizes the awe and reverence that mankind has always felt for the pulsions/passions : feelings that nowadays often grow into fear and negation. The author suggests that a dynamic approach of the individual to his/her Self pulsional core, including its original aggressive component, is an essential step towards personal individuation, integration and development and, in morenian terms, towards social self-responsibility and creativity.
- Codice
- M2636-4-1
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- Riflessioni e dialoghi
- Autore
- Andrea Cocchi
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THE MIND ON THE STAGE. Reflections and dialogues In the first part of this article, the social usefulness of psychodrama done in the theatre is explained and substantiated, and in the second part, using a dialogue format, the author introduces the issue of the symbolic setting of psychodrama in the theatre and of the difference between therapy and entertainment, with reference to the psychodrama-show. The author has chosen the dialogue form with the aim to lighten the description of the subject, thinking that in this way the exposition could be more step-by-step and more immediate as well than a simple narration would be, meanwhile staying closer to the psychodramatic approach.
- Codice
- M2636-4-2
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- Autore
- Giovannni Boria
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THE PSICHODRAMA GROUP AS LOCUS OF EVENTS The author presents the psychodramatic work as a sequence of relational events intentionally stimulated and directed by the leader within a special space called psychodrama theatre. These events are built up in order to create interactions which can be recognized in the dyad role/counter-role. They stimulate free expression of subjectivity through actions which harmoniously interlace body functions, emotions and reflection. The construction of such events is made easier by a group atmosphere perceived by the participants as consenting and not as if someone were judging them. The author then examines and exemplifies the elements which allow the development of such methodology: from the setting conditions to the tasks and the leader’s strategies. He then concludes with some clarifying considerations about the main elements which contribute to the building up of the psychodramatic event: the context, the narration and the image.
- Codice
- M2636-5-1
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- Un'esperienza di lavoro psicodrammatico nell'ambito delle Ferrovìe dello Stato
- Autore
- Francesco Magrini
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SPONTANEITY, OR ROLE ADEQUACY. An experience of psychodramatic work in the Italian Railways Society The author describes the general lines of his work with groups of engineers responsible for team units in the Italian Railways Society. His task was to train the engineers to interpersonal relationships inside their groups and to develop their skill on team leading and on coaching procedures. This article points out some aspects of the use of the psychodramatic model and techniques in formative and consulting work, that the author is now carrying on with many kinds of organizations. This particular project was chosen because of its peculiarities regarding the use of the socio-psychodramatic method, due to the characteristics of the company as well as to those of the participants.
- Codice
- M2636-6-1
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- Il valore della storia nel Playback Theatre
- Autore
- Nadia Lotti
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STORIE CHE RIFLETTONO Il valore della storia nel Playback Theatre NADIA LOTTI STORIES WHICH REFLEXT. The value of the story in Playback Theatre. The author analyses the function of telling and the value of stories using the style of a dialogue between a fairy-tale, a story of the oral tradition, a clinical story and a story told during a Playback Theatre performance. Talking to each other the four stories explore the different meanings that each of them has for mankind. It emerges that a story can support rituals in human relation, can be an useful tool in therapy, can hold individual and collective memories, can express
- Codice
- M2636-7-1
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- Autore
- Carla Fontanella, Paola La Mattina
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IL MITO DI NARCISO RIVISITATO ATTRAVERSO UNA SESSIONE DI PSICODRAMMA CARLA FONTANELLA, PAOLA LA MATTINA THE MYTH OF NARCISSUS REVISITED THROUGH A PSYCHODRAMATIC SESSION This article analyses a psychodramatic session concerning the Narcissus myth. It proposes a reading of the myth that gets through the psychoanalytic view and takes a look to the sociological and phenomenological sphere. It gives back to the myth the function of explaining the world from the subjectivity of the imaginary language. The members of the group, as new actors, start from playing a reconstituted role and come to perform the key roles of their own life.
- Codice
- M2636-8-1
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- Autore
- Zerka Toeman Moreno
- Codice
- M2636-9-1
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- Codice
- M2636-10-1
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